Hoeveel zou schoolmeester Johannes à Brederode (ca 1610-na 1661) hebben geweten van zijn voorouders? Vertelde hij erover aan zijn kinderen en vrienden? Had hij contact met levende familieleden? Stamde hij inderdaad van Karel de Grote?
Afstamming van deze illustere vorst spreekt tot de verbeelding bij velen, en er is en wordt intensief onderzoek gedaan naar geldige bewijzen van oude adellijke familieverbanden. Een in mijn ogen heldere en betrouwbare bron is de site 'Medieval Lands van Charles Cawley, bij de Foundation for Medieval Geneology'. Hier wordt consequent verwezen naar en geciteerd uit documenten waaruit afstamming valt vast te stellen [http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/index.htm].


Van Walraven II van Brederode (1462-1531) ken ik zeker vijftien afstammingslijnen naar Karel de Grote, zij het niet alle stevig onderbouwd. Een voorbeeld van een sluitend bewezen afstamming vermeld ik hieronder. Deze voert langs de Carolingiërs, het Brabantse geslacht Van Leuven, en de Van Valkenburgs naar Reinoud I van Brederode.
Het wemelt in Walravens kwartierstaat van de markante personen. We vinden Yaroslav I "de Wijze" van Kiev (978-1054) bijvoorbeeld, van wie aan de hand van zijn schedel het hoofd is nagemaakt. Zo kun je een verre voorouder nog eens in de ogen kijken. Levensechte beelden van voorfamilie zijn dichterbij huis te vinden in museum Huis van Hilde te Castricum, daar loop je Willem I van Brederode (1226-1285) en Hillegonde van Voorne (1230-1302) tegen het lijf. Walraven was ook een nakomeling van Willem I "de Veroveraar" van Normandië, hertog van Normandië en koning van Engeland (1028-1087) wiens verovering van Engeland is vastgelegd op een 63 meter lang geborduurd stripverhaal, nu te bewonderen in het Franse Bayeux. Theofanu, keizerin van het Heilige Roomse Rijk, (957-991), telg uit een Byzantijns geslacht droeg bij aan de Westerse beschaving, zij leerde onze voorvaderen eten met een vork


Beeltenis van Karel de Grote op een denarius uit Mainz (812-814) met het opschrift KAROLVS IMP AVG ("Karolus Imperator Augustus") (Cabinet des Médailles, Parijs). Bron/licentie: Creative Commons.Beeltenis van Karel de Grote op een denarius uit Mainz (812-814) met het opschrift KAROLVS IMP AVG ("Karolus Imperator Augustus") (Cabinet des Médailles, Parijs). Licentie: Creative Commons.


Eén van de afstammingslijnen van Karel de Grote naar Johannes à Brederode:



1.   748-  814 Karel de Grote, koning der Franken, keizer van het Heilige Roomse Rijk, hertog van Beieren
2.   778-  840 Lodewijk I "de Vrome", koning der Franken, keizer van het Heilige Roomse Rijk
3.   823-  877 Karel II "De Kale", Koning van Italië, Koning van West-Franken, keizer van het Heilige Roomse Rijk, hertog van Maine
4.   846-  879 Lodewijk II "de Stamelaar" van West-Francië, koning van Neustrië, Aquitanië, West-Lotharingen, hertog van Maine, graaf van Meaux, Autun
5.   879-  929 Karel III "De Eenvoudige", koning van West-Francië, Lotharingen, Lotharingen, Frankrijk
6.   921-  954 Lodewijk IV "Van Overzee" van West-Francië, hertog van Neder-Lotharingen, koning der Franken
7.   947-  992 Karel van West-Francië, hertog van Neder-Lotharingen, koning der Franken
8.   971-1017 Gerberga van Neder-Lotharingen
9.   990-1062 Lambert II "Balderik" van Leuven, graaf van Leuven
10. 1020-1079 Hendrik II van Leuven, graaf van Leuven
11. 1063-1139 Godfried I "met de Baard" van Leuven, graaf van Leuven en Brussel, en hertog van Neder-Lotharingen
12. 1100-1142 Godfried VI van Leuven, hertog van Neder-Lotharingen, landgraaf van Brabant
13. 1142-1190 Godfried VII "de Moedige" van Leuven, hertog van Neder-Lotharingen, landgraaf van Brabant, graaf van Leuven,
14. 1165-1235 Hendrik I "de Krijgszuchtige" van Leuven, hertog van Brabant, van Leuven, en van Neder-Lotharingen, markgraaf van Antwerpen
15. 1190-1231 Margaretha van Brabant
16. 1214-1271 Otto II "de Lamme" van Gelre, graaf van Gelderland en Zutphen
17. 1254-1302 Walram II "de Rossige" van Valkenburg, heer van Valkenburg, Montjoie en Marville, stadhouder van Gelre en Zutphen
18. 1283-1333 Reinoud I van Valkenburg, heer van Valkenburg, Montjoie, Sittard en Susteren
19. 1318-1354 Beatrix van Heinsberg van Valkenburg
20. 1336-1390 Reinoud I van Brederode, 6e heer van Brederode, baljuw van Kennemerland, heer van Gennep, leider der Hoeken
21. 1376-1417 Walraven I van Brederode, 8e heer van Brederode, graaf van Gennep, burggraaf van Stavoren, stadhouder van Holland
22. 1415-1473 Reinoud II van Brederode, 9e heer van Brederode, heer van Vianen, burggraaf van Utrecht, ridder van Jeruzalem en van het Gulden Vlies



Reinoud III verdedigt zich bij de raad van het Gulden Vlies in 1472. tekening Barend Wijnveld (1820-1902). Bron/licentie: Rijksmuseum Amsterdam/Public Domain.



23. 1462-1531 Walraven II van Brederode, 10e heer van Brederode, heer van Vianen, raadslid-kamerheer van Philips de Schone en Karel V
24. 1500-1549 Reinoud Bastaard van Brederode van Rijnesteijn, drost en schout van Vianen, beleend met Rijnestein bij Leerbroek
25. 1529-1609 Arnout van Brederode van Rijnesteijn, schout van Vianen, onderhoutvester van Holland, kapitein in het Staatse leger
26. 1579-1648 Reinoud van Brederode, conrector van de Latijnse school in Kollum, ludimagister te Dokkum en schoolmeester in Grijpskerk
27. 1607-1662 Johannes á Brederode, schoolmeester in Beerta


Per persoon volgt er nu een beschrijving, met daaronder voor de generaties tot kort voor 1500 de onderbouwing uit Medieval Lands. Nadere bronbeschrijvingen zijn op die site te vinden. Als partner is alleen degene genoemd uit wie de volgende in lijn is geboren.

1.   748-  814 Karel de Grote, koning der Franken, keizer van het Heilige Roomse Rijk, hertog van Beieren
Karel de Grote, koning der Franken, keizer van het Heilige Roomse Rijk, hertog van Beieren is geboren op dinsdag 02-04-748 in Ingelheim am Rhein, zoon van Pepijn III de Jongere, hofmeier, koning van Aquitanië, Neustrië, Bourgondië, de Provence en de gebieden rond Metz en Trier, koning der Franken en Bertrada "au Grand Pied" de Laon. Karel is overleden op zaterdag 28-01-814 in Aken, 65 jaar oud. Hij is begraven in Aken, in de Pfalzkapelle, zijn eigen kapel die de kern vormt van de huidige kathedraal, de Dom van Aken. Karel trouwde, 22 of 23 jaar oud, in 771 met Hildegard van Kraichgouw, koningin der Franken, 12 of 13 jaar oud. Hildegard is geboren op donderdag 04-05-758 in Schwaben, dochter van Gerold I van Kraichgouw, graaf in Anglachgouw, graaf in Bertholdsbaar, graaf in Kraichgouw, graaf in de Vinzgouw en Imma van Lahngouw, gravin in Kraichgouw. Hildegard is overleden op woensdag 30-04-783 in Thionville, 24 jaar oud. Zij is begraven in Metz, in de abdij van St Arnulf.


CHARLES, son of PEPIN "le Bref" King of the Franks & his wife Bertrada [Berta] "au Grand Pied" ([near Aix-la-Chapelle] 2 Apr [747/48]-Aix-la-Chapelle 28 Jan 814, bur Aix-la-Chapelle, Chapelle Sainte-Marie).  He is named first son of King Pépin and Bertrada in the Cartulaire of Saint-Bertin.  A calendar from Lorsch records the birth “IV Non Apr” of “Karoli imperatoris et semper augusti”.  The year of his birth is open to debate.  The Annales Fuldenses record his death in 814 at the age of about 71, which would suggest [742/43] which is inconsistent with the suggested marriage date of his parents (see above).  The Annalium Petavianorum Continuatio record the birth in 747 of “Karolus rex”.  Settipani suggests that this date should be considered “Old Style”.  This assumes (1) that the Lorsch calendar correctly records the day of his birth, (2) that the order of entries for that year in the Annalium Petavianorum Continuatio is chronological (the preceding sentence records Carloman’s departure for Rome which is dated to after 15 Aug 747), and (3) that 2 Apr 747 was Easter Sunday which he suggests would have been noted in sources if it had been the emperor’s date of birth.  It seems preferable to indicate [747/48] as Charles’s possible date of birth.  The conjectures about Charles’s place of birth were discussed at length by Hahn in the mid-19th century.  At the coronation of his father in 754, Charles was also anointed by Pope Stephen III [II].  On the death of his father, he received the larger part of Austrasia, Neustria and western Aquitaine, succeeding as CHARLES I joint King of the Franks, jointly with his brother Carloman, and was crowned 9 Oct 768 at Noyon.  He suppressed the revolt of Hunald in Aquitaine in 769, over which he quarrelled with his brother Carloman.  On the death of his brother in 771, he set aside the rights of his nephew and became sole king of the Franks.  He defended the Pope against the Lombards, conquering their kingdom in 773.  He is recorded in charters as having used the title "rex Francorum et Langobardorum" from 5 Jun 774, adding "atque patricius Romanorum" from 16 Jul 774.  He accepted the submission of Saxony at Paderborn in 777.  During his campaign in Spain in 778, he captured Pamplona, while Zaragoza, Huesca, Barcelona and Girona swore allegiance to him.  He had his sons crowned king of the Lombards and king of the Aquitainians by Pope Adrian I at Rome 15 Apr 781.  He incorporated Bavaria and Carinthia into his kingdom in 787, followed by Thuringia, Hessen and Alemannia, by 797.  He re-established Pope Leo III after the latter was ambushed by the Romans in 799, and was crowned CHARLES I “Charlemagne” Emperor of the Romans in St Peter's Rome 25 Dec 800, which the Pope justified technically on the basis of an alleged vacancy of the imperial throne, which could not be occupied by a woman, during the reign at Constantinople of Empress Eirene.  At the assembly of Thionville 6 Feb 806, Emperor Charles decided the division of territories between his sons.  Byzantine ambassadors from Emperor Mikhael I finally recognised Charlemagne as emperor (although not "Roman Emperor") at Aix-la-Chapelle in 812.  After the death of his two older sons, he crowned his son Louis as associate emperor at Aix-la-Chapelle 11 Sep 813.  The necrology of Prüm records the death "814 V Kal Feb" of "Karolus imperator".  The Annales Fuldenses record the death "814 V Kal Feb" of "Karolus imperator" at Aachen at the age of about 71.  The necrology of Saint-Germain-des-Prés records the death 814 “V Kal Feb” of “domni Karoli imperatoris”.

2.   778-  840 Lodewijk I "de Vrome", koning der Franken, keizer van het Heilige Roomse Rijk
Lodewijk I "de Vrome", koning der Franken, keizer van het Heilige Roomse Rijk is geboren op donderdag 16-04-778 in Chasseneuil-du-Poitou, zoon van Karel de Grote en Hildegard van Kraichgouw. Lodewijk is overleden op zondag 20-06-840 in Ingelheim, 62 jaar oud. Hij is begraven in Saint Arnoul, in de abdijkerk. Lodewijk trouwde, 40 jaar oud, in 02-819 met Judith van Beieren, ongeveer 14 jaar oud. Judith is geboren omstreeks 805, dochter van Welf I von Altdorf, Graf in Schwaben. Judith is overleden op donderdag 19-04-843 in Tours, ongeveer 38 jaar oud.

Lodewijk de Vrome (816-840), opvolger van Karel de Grote. Bron: Louis Ier le Pieux ou le Débonnaire Bibliothèque Nationale de France . Licentie: Public Domain.Lodewijk de Vrome (816-840), opvolger van Karel de Grote. Bron: Louis Ier le Pieux ou le Débonnaire Bibliothèque Nationale de France . Licentie: Public Domain.


LOUIS [Hludowic], son of CHARLES I King of the Franks & his second wife Hildegard (Chasseneuil-du-Poitou {Vienne} [16 Apr/Sep] 778-island in the Rhine near Ingelheim 20 Jun 840, bur Metz, église abbatiale de Saint-Arnoul).  He is named, and his parentage recorded, in the Gesta Mettensium, which specifies that he was his parents' third son, born a twin with Hlothar.  Crowned King of the Aquitainians in Rome 15 Apr 781 by Pope Hadrian I.  His armies occupied Girona, Urgel and Cerdanya in 785 and besieged Barcelona in 802, establishing the "March of Spain".  At the partition of territories agreed at Thionville in 806, he was designated sovereign of Aquitaine, Gascony, Septimania, Provence and southern Burgundy.  His father named him as his successor at Aix-la-Chapelle, crowning him as joint emperor 11 Sep 813.  On his father's death, he adopted the title Emperor LOUIS I “der Fromme/le Pieux” 2 Feb 814, and was crowned at Reims [Jul/Aug] 816 by Pope Stephen IV.  He did not use the titles king of the Franks or king of Italy so as to emphasise the unity of the empire.  He promulgated the Ordinatio Imperii at Worms in 817, which established his eldest son as his heir, his younger sons having a subordinate status, a decision which was eventually to lead to civil war between his sons.  His nephew Bernard King of Italy, ignored in the Ordinatio Imperii, rebelled against his uncle, but was defeated and killed.  After his death, Italy was placed under the direct rule of the emperor.  Emperor Louis crowned his son Lothaire as joint emperor at Aix-la-Chapelle in Jul 817, his primary status over his brothers being confirmed once more at the assembly of Nijmegen 1 May 821.  In Nov 824, Emperor Louis placed Pope Eugene II under his protection, effectively subordinating the papal role to that of the emperor.  The birth of his son Charles by his second marriage in 823 worsened relations with his sons by his first marriage, the tension being further increased when Emperor Louis invested Charles with Alemannia, Rhætia, Alsace and part of Burgundy at Worms in Aug 829, reducing the territory of his oldest son Lothaire to Italy.  His older sons revolted in Mar 830 and captured their father at Compiègne, forcing him to revert to the 817 constitutional arrangements.  However, Emperor Louis reasserted his authority at the assemblies of Nijmegen in Oct 830 and Aix-la-Chapelle in Feb 831, depriving Lothaire of the imperial title and relegating him once more to Italy.  A further revolt of the brothers followed.  Emperor Louis was defeated and deposed by his sons at Compiègne 1 Oct 833.  He was exiled to the monastery of Saint-Médard de Soissons.  His eldest son Lothaire declared himself sole emperor but was soon overthrown by his brothers Pépin and Louis, who freed their father.  Emperor Louis was crowned once more at Metz 28 Feb 835.  He proposed yet another partition of territories in favour of his son Charles at the assembly of Aix-la-Chapelle in 837, implemented at the assembly of Worms 28 May 839 when he installed his sons Lothaire and Charles jointly, setting aside the claims of his sons Pépin and Louis.  This naturally led to revolts by Pépin in Aquitaine and Louis in Germany, which their father was in the process of suppressing when he died.  The Annales Fuldenses record the death "in insulam quondam Rheni fluminis prope Ingilenheim XII Kal Iul 840" of Emperor Louis and his burial "Mettis civitatem…in basilica sancti Arnulfi".  The necrology of Prüm records the death "840 12 Kal Iul" of "Ludvicus imperator".  The necrology of St Gall records the death "XII Kal Jul" of "Hludowicus imperator in insula Rheni quiæ est sita iuxta palatium Ingelheim".  The Obituaire de Notre-Dame de Paris records the death "XII Kal Jul" of "Ludovicus imperator".  The necrology of the abbey of Saint-Denis records the death "XII Kal Jul" of "Ludovicus imperator".

3.   823-  877 Karel II "De Kale", Koning van Italië, Koning van West-Francië, keizer van het Heilige Roomse Rijk, hertog van Maine
is geboren op zaterdag 13-06-823 in Frankfort aan de Main, zoon van Keizer Lodewijk I "de Vrome" en Judith van Beieren. Karel is overleden op zondag 06-10-877 in Avrieux, 54 jaar oud. Karel trouwde, 19 jaar oud, op woensdag 13-12-842 in Quierzy met Ermentrudis van Orléans, 12 jaar oud. Ermentrudis is geboren op dinsdag 27-09-830, dochter van Odo I van Orleans, graaf in Lahngouw, graaf van Orleans en Engeltrude van Parijs, gravin van Orleans. Ermentrudis is overleden op donderdag 06-10-869 in St. Denis, Hasnon, 39 jaar oud.

Karel II De Kale, 840-877); opvolger van Lodewijk I De Vrome. Bron: Carlo il Calvo, salterio, Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale. Licentie: Public Domain.

Karel II De Kale, 840-877); opvolger van Lodewijk I De Vrome. Bron: Carlo il Calvo, salterio, Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale. Licentie: Public Domain.


CHARLES, son of Emperor LOUIS I "le Pieux" & his second wife Judith [Welf] (Frankfurt-am-Main 13 Jun 823-Avrieux or Brides-les-Bains, Savoie 6 Oct 877, bur Nantua Abbey, transferred to église de l'abbaye royale de Saint-Denis).  The Annales S. Benigni Divisionensis record the birth of "Karolus filius Ludowici" in Frankfurt "Idus Iun 824".  Thegan's Vita Hludowici Imperatoris names Charles as son of his father by his second wife.  His father invested Charles as dux in Alemania, Rhetia, Alsace and part of Burgundy at Worms in Aug 829, reducing the territory of his oldest brother Lothaire to Italy.  This triggered the revolt of his older half-brothers in Mar 830, when they captured their father at Compiègne and forced him to revert to the constitutional arrangements decided in 817.  His father installed Charles as King of Aquitaine in Sep 832, having deprived Charles's half-brother Pépin.  His father restored Aquitaine to Pépin 15 Mar 834 at Quierzy-sur-Oise.  His father accorded Charles the land between Frisia and the Seine at the assembly of Aix-la-Chapelle in 837, Maine and the land between the Seine and the Loire (as well as a royal crown) in 838, and Francia between the Meuse and the Seine, western and southern Burgundy, Provence, Neustria, the march of Bretagne, Aquitaine, Gascony and Septimania at the assembly of Worms 28 May 839.  On the death of his father, he became King of the Franks of the West.  His brother Emperor Lothaire sought to deprive him of his lands.  Charles allied himself with his half-brother Ludwig and together they defeated Lothaire at Fontenoy-en-Puisaye 25 Jun 841.  Under the division of imperial territories agreed under the Treaty of Verdun 11 Aug 843, he became CHARLES II “le Chauve” King of the West Franks.  King of Aquitaine in 848, when he deposed his nephew Pépin II.  When King Charles II was faced with widespread rebellion, his brother Ludwig II "der Deutsche" King of the East Franks invaded his kingdom in Aug 858 but was defeated 15 Jan 859 in the Laonnais and forced to withdraw.  In 865, Charles agreed with King Ludwig II the future division of the territories of Lothaire II King of Lotharingia, but on the latter's death in 869 Charles invaded Lotharingia and proclaimed himself CHARLES King of Lotharingia before Ludwig could assert his rights.  A settlement was reached at Meerssen in Aug 870 under which Charles received the Meuse valley, Lyonnais, Viennois and Vivarais, declaring himself king of Lotharingia in 869.  He was crowned Emperor CHARLES II at Rome 25 Dec 875 by Pope John VIII, and elected king of Italy at Pavia in 876.  The Annales S. Benigni Divisionensis record the death of "Karolus imperator Prid Non Oct 877".  The necrology of Reims Saint-Rémi records the death "III Non Oct" of "Karolus Calvus rex Francorum".

4.   846-  879 Lodewijk II "de Stamelaar" van West-Francië, koning van Neustrië, Aquitanië, West-Lotharingen, hertog van Maine, graaf van Meaux, Autun is geboren in 846, zoon van Karel II "De Kale" en Ermentrudis van Orléans. Lodewijk is overleden op vrijdag 10-04-879 in Compiègne, 32 of 33 jaar oud. Lodewijk trouwde, 28 of 29 jaar oud, in 875 met delheid van Parijs, koningin van Frankrijk, 21 of 22 jaar oud. Adelheid is geboren in 853, dochter van Adalhard van Parijs, graaf van Parijs, paltsgraaf in West-Franken. Adelheid is overleden op dinsdag 10-11-901 in Laon, 47 of 48 jaar oud. Zij is begraven in Compiègne, bij haar man, in het klooster van Notre-Dame.


Kroning van Lodewijk II de Stamelaar (rechts); zijn stiefmoeder Richildis van Provence (links) reikt rijkszwaard en scepter aan. Uit: Miniature of Louis le Begue receiving the sword and sceptre from Richilda, and his coronation. France, Central (Paris) Licentie: Public Domain.
Kroning van Lodewijk II de Stamelaar (rechts); zijn stiefmoeder Richildis van Provence (links) reikt rijkszwaard en scepter aan. Uit: Miniature of Louis le Begue receiving the sword and sceptre from Richilda, and his coronation. France, Central (Paris) Licentie: Public Domain.

LOUIS, son of CHARLES II "le Chauve" King of the West Franks & his first wife Ermentrudis [d'Orléans] (1 Nov 846-Compiègne 11 Apr 879, bur Compiègne, église collégiale Saint-Corneille).  The Genealogica Arnulfi Comitis names (in order) "Hludovicum Karolum Karlomannum et Hlotharium" as the four sons of "Karolus imperator…ex Hyrmentrudi regina".  His father awarded him the duchy of Mans and part of Neustria and arranged his betrothal in Feb 856, from which time he seems to have received the title king.  He was expelled from Brittany after the rebellion which followed the murder of King Erispoé, and sought refuge with his father.  He was suspected of having helped his sister Judith elope with Comte Baudouin and was obliged to flee in 861.  He revolted against his father in 862, the revolt being instigated by the Rorgonid family.  He was pardoned by his father, given the county of Meaux in 862, and entrusted with the governorship of the whole of Neustria with the title king in 865.  The latter appointment was removed from him in the following year.  His father invested him as Comte d'Autun in 866.  He was installed as King of Aquitaine in Mar 867, following the death of his brother Charles.  He succeeded his father in 877 as LOUIS II "le Bègue" King of the West Franks, and LUDWIG III King of West Lotharingia, crowned at Compiègne 8 Dec 877 and at Troyes 7 Sep 878 by Pope John VIII.  The Gesta Francorum records the death "879 III Id Apr…apud Compendium…palatium" of "Hludowicus Karoli regis filius" and his burial in the same place.  The Annales Fuldenses record the death "879 III Id Apr apud Compendium" of "Hludowicus, Karoli regis filius" and his burial in the same place.  The necrology of the abbey of Saint-Denis records the death "III Id Apr" of "Ludovicus rex".

5.   879-  929 Karel III "De Eenvoudige", koning van West-Francië, Lotharingen, Lotharingen, Frankrijk
is geboren op donderdag 17-09-879, zoon van Koning Lodewijk II van West-Francië en Adelheid van Parijs. Karel is overleden op woensdag 07-10-929 in Péronne, 50 jaar oud. Hij is begraven in Péronne. Karel trouwde, ongeveer 39 jaar oud, omstreeks 918 met Eadgyfu van Wessex, koningin van West-Francië, ongeveer 15 jaar oud. Eadgyfu is geboren in 903, dochter van Eduard I "de Oudere" koning van Wessex en Ælfflæd. Eadgyfu is overleden na vrijdag 26-09-951, minstens 48 jaar oud. Zij is begraven in Soissons, in de Sint-Medardusabdij.

Karel III de Eenvoudige. Schilderij (1838): Georges Rouget (1783-1869. Bron: Collectie Palace of Versailles. Licentie: Public Domain.
Karel III de Eenvoudige. Schilderij (1838): Georges Rouget (1783-1869. Bron: Collectie Palace of Versailles. Licentie: Public Domain.

CHARLES, son of LOUIS II "le Bègue" King of the West Franks & his second wife Adelais (posthumously 17 Sep 879-Péronne 7 Oct 929, bur Péronne, monastère de Saint-Fursy).  The Genealogica Arnulfi Comitis names (in order) "Karolum quoque postumum et Irmintrudim" as children of "Hlodovicus rex…ex Adelheidi regina".  His parentage is also given in the Annalista Saxo.  Regino specifies that he was born posthumously.  On the death of King Louis II, Emperor Charles III "le Gros" was elected King of the West Franks, and on the latter's death in 888, Eudes [Capet] was elected king.  Louis II's son, Charles, sought refuge with Ramnulf II Comte de Poitou.  Regino names "Folcone episcopo, Heriberto et Pippino comitibus in Remorum civitate" when recording that they supported the accession of Charles as king in 892 in opposition to King Eudes.  Supported by Fulco Archbishop of Reims, he was crowned 28 Jan 893 at Reims as CHARLES III "le Simple" King of the West Franks, as anti-king to Eudes, who later agreed to appoint him as his successor and whom he succeeded from 1 Jan 898.  The early years of his reign appear to have been dominated by Viking raids in the north which led to the treaty with Rollo in 911 and the grant of territory in the future duchy of Normandy.  He was chosen as CHARLES King of Lotharingia 1 Nov 911, in succession to Ludwig IV "das Kind" King of the East Franks and Lotharingia, representing a significant extension of the royal domain.  He used the title "King of the Franks/rex francorum", and later "King of France/rex franciæ".  He captured Alsace early in 912, and fought the army of Konrad I King of Germany three times in Lotharingia.  From [920], he fell under the influence of Haganon, a Lotharingian described in a charter of 921 as his cousin on his mother's side.  This triggered the revolt of Robert Marquis en Neustrie [Capet] and other nobles during which King Charles was obliged to seek refuge with Heriveus Archbishop of Reims.  Although the king was restored after seven months, tension continued and Charles's award of the monastery of Chelles to Haganon in 922 triggered another revolt which led to the king's deposition 30 Jun 922 in favour of Robert, who was elected as Robert I King of France.  Ex-king Charles fled to Lotharingia.  He returned, but was defeated at Soissons 15 Jun 923, although King Robert was killed in the battle.  Raoul de Bourgogne was elected king of France 13 Jul 923.  Ex-king Charles was tricked into capture by Héribert II Comte de Vermandois and imprisoned at Château-Thierry.  He was transferred in 924 to the château de Péronne, where he remained captive for the rest of his life.  He was briefly declared king once more in 927 by Comte Héribert during the latter's unsuccessful attempt to capture Laon.  According to Thietmar of Merseburg, Heinrich I King of Germany secured his release from prison and in return was rewarded with "the right hand of St Denis and the entire kingdom of the Lotharingians".

6.   921-  954 Lodewijk IV "Van Overzee" van West-Francië, hertog van Neder-Lotharingen, koning der Franken
is geboren in 921, zoon van Karel III "De Eenvoudige" van West-Francië en Eadgyfu van Wessex. Lodewijk is overleden op zondag 10-09-954 in Reims, 32 of 33 jaar oud. Hij is begraven in Reims, in Abbaye de Saint-Rém. Lodewijk trouwde, 17 of 18 jaar oud, in 939 met Gerberga van Saksen, 24 of 25 jaar oud. Gerberga is geboren in 914 in Nordhausen, dochter van Hendrik I "de Vogelaar", van Saksen, hertog van Saksen, koning van Duitsland en Mathilde van Westfalen, koningin van Duitsland, lekenabdes van Nivelles. Gerberga is overleden op dinsdag 05-05-968 in Reims, 53 of 54 jaar oud. Zij is begraven in Reims.

Lodewijk IV van Frankrijk, 936-954. Bron: Louis IV d'Outremer par Jean du Tillet. Recueil des rois de France. Bibliothèque Nationale de France. Peinture réalisée d'après la statue de l'église Saint-Colombe de Sens représentant le roi assis sur un trône abrité d'un dais suivant le principe de la figuration en majesté. Licentie: Public Domain.
Lodewijk IV van Frankrijk, 936-954. Bron: Louis IV d'Outremer par Jean du Tillet. Recueil des rois de France. Bibliothèque Nationale de France. Peinture réalisée d'après la statue de l'église Saint-Colombe de Sens représentant le roi assis sur un trône abrité d'un dais suivant le principe de la figuration en majesté. Licentie: Public Domain.

LOUIS, son of CHARLES III "le Simple" King of the Franks & his second wife Eadgifu of England ([10 Sep 920/10 Sep 921]-Reims 10 Sep 954, bur Reims, Abbaye de Saint-Rémi).  Rodulfus Glaber names "Ludowicum filium…regis Caroli".  After his father was deposed in 923, his mother fled with Louis to England where he was brought up at the court of Æthelstan King of Wessex.  His return to France after the death of King Raoul in early 936 was negotiated by Hugues "le Grand" [Capet].  He was crowned 19 Jun 936 at Laon by the Archbishop of Reims as LOUIS IV "d´Outremer" King of the Franks.  He asserted his autonomy from Hugues "le Grand", to whom he awarded the title dux francorum, by establishing himself with his mother at Laon in 937.  His reign was characterised by constant disputes with his nobles, in particular Hugues "le Grand", Héribert II Comte de Vermandois, Arnoul Count of Flanders and Guillaume "Longuespée" Comte [de Normandie].  Despite constant military activity, he only increased the territory directly held by the kings of France by the counties of Laon (captured in 938 from Héribert II Comte de Vermandois) and Reims.  He also temporarily held Amiens and Ponthieu.  Following a revolt in Lotharingia against Otto I "der Große" King of Germany, Louis was offered the crown of Lotharingia in 939 by Duke Giselbert.  King Otto responded by raiding Frankish territory, allying himself with Hugues "le Grand", Héribert II Comte de Vermandois, Arnoul I Count of Flanders and Guillaume "Longuespée" Comte [de Normandie], and obliged King Louis to renounce Lotharingia.  Héribert and Hugues besieged Reims, forcing the restoration of Héribert's son as archbishop, and besieged King Louis at Laon.  After the murder of Guillaume "Longuespée" Comte [de Normandie], King Louis detained Richard his heir, but was held captive himself by the people of Rouen after Richard escaped.  King Otto launched a revenge attack, but was defeated by the Normans.  After Louis was released by Hugues "le Grand", he was transferred to the custody of Thibaut Comte de Blois who held him captive for a year in 945/46.  King Louis died after falling from his horse on his way from Reims to Laon.

7.   947-  992 Karel van West-Francië, hertog van Neder-Lotharingen, koning der Franken is geboren in 06-947 in Reims, zoon van Lodewijk IV "Van Overzee" van West-Francië en Gerberga van Saksen. Karel is overleden op woensdag 22-06-992 in Orléans, in de gevangenis, 44 of 45 jaar oud. Hij is begraven in 1001 in Maastricht, in de St. Servaaskerk. Karel trouwde, 22 of 23 jaar oud, in 970 met Adelheid Hertogin van Lotharingen, dochter van de achterleenman van de Hertog van West-Francië, ongeveer 17 jaar oud. Adelheid is geboren omstreeks 953 in Ardenne, dochter van Godefroy van Verdun, graaf van Ardenne en Mathildis van Saksen-Billung. Adelheid is overleden.

CHARLES, son of LOUIS IV "d'Outremer" King of the Franks & his wife Gerberga of Germany (Laon summer 953-in prison Orléans 12 Jun 991, bur 1001 Maastricht, St Servatius).  Twin with his brother Henri.  Flodoard records the birth of twins to "Gerberga regina" in 953 "unus Karolus, alter Heinricus, sed Henricus mox post baptismum defunctus est".  Flodoard records war between "Karolum regis filium fratrem" and "Godefridum atque Arnulfum, Lotharienses comites" in 975.  Banished from the Frankish court after accusing Queen Emma of adultery with Adalbero Bishop of Laon, he sought refuge at the court of Emperor Otto II who created him Duke of Lower Lotharingia in May 977 at Diedenhofen.  The Gesta Episcoporum Cameracensium record that "Karolum ducem, regis Lotharii fratrem" had been granted Lotharingia by Emperor Otto.  During Emperor Otto's campaign against his brother King Lothaire, Duke Charles captured Laon in 978 and was proclaimed King of the Franks by Theudebert Bishop of Metz.  He claimed the French throne after the death of his brother in 986, and that of his nephew in 987.  He captured Laon in [May] 988, and Reims in [Aug/Sep] 989, thanks to his nephew Arnoul Archbishop of Reims.  He was captured at Laon 30 Mar 991 with his wife and children and taken to Senlis.  Richer records that "Karolum…cum uxore Adelaide et filio Ludovico, et filiabus duabus, quarum altera Gerberga, altera Adelaidis dicebatur, necnon et Arnulfo nepote" were imprisoned.  From there, they were imprisoned by Hugues Capet King of France at Orléans, where he died.  "Otto…rex" donated property "Vvalbisci in comitatu Karoli comitis" to Quedlinburg by charter dated 6 Jan 992.  It is assumed that this refers to Charles ex-Duke of Lotharingia as no other Count Charles or Karl has been identified in Germany at the time.  If this is correct, the charter demonstrates that Charles was still recognised with a title in Germany after his capture by the French, although this was "comes" rather than "dux".  The necrology of Liège Saint-Lambert records the death "X Kal Jul" of "Karoli ducis".  Sigebert records that "Karolus dux" died in 991 and that "Otto filius eius" succeeded in the duchy of Lotharingia.

8.   971-1017 Gerberga van Neder-Lotharingen is geboren in 971, dochter van Karel van West-Francië en Adelheid van Lotharingen. Gerberga is overleden omstreeks 1017, ongeveer 46 jaar oud. Zij is begraven in Nijvel. Gerberga trouwde, ten hoogste 21 jaar oud, vóór 992 met Lambert I "met de Baard" de Louvain, graaf van Leuven, ten hoogste 42 jaar oud. Lambert is geboren in 950 in Louvain, zoon van Reginar III de Hainaut, comte de Hainaut en Adela von Dachsburg. Lambert is overleden op maandag 12-09-1015 in Florennes, 64 of 65 jaar oud. Hij is begraven in Nijvel.

GERBERGA ([975]-27 Jan after 1018, bur Nivelles).  The Genealogica comitum Buloniensium records that "Karolus dux" was father of "Ermengardem et Gerbergam", and that "Gerberga soror Ermengardis" was mother of "Henricum seniorem de Bursella".  The Gesta Abbatem Trudonensium names "Gerbergam, filiam Karoli ducis Lotharingie" as wife of "Lambertus filius Reyneri comitis Montensis", specifying that Brabant (including Louvain and Brussels) was her dowry.  The Annales Hanoniæ name "Gebergam filiam Karoli ducis Lotharingie" as wife of "Lambertus…comes Lovaniensis".  "Gerberga" is named as wife of "Lantbertum comitem, filium Ragineri Longicolli" in the Gesta of Gembloux Abbey when recording her husband's death, but her origin is not stated.  Sigebert's Chronica records in 977 that "Lantbertus" married "Gerbergam filiam Karoli ducis", but this date must be incorrect.  Richer records that "Karolum…cum uxore Adelaide et filio Ludovico, et filiabus duabus, quarum altera Gerberga, altera Adelaidis dicebatur, necnon et Arnulfo nepote" were imprisoned.  This suggests that Gerberga was not yet married at that date.  The birth date of Gerberga is estimated on the basis of the likely birth date ranges of two of her presumed children by Comte Lambert.

9.   990-1062 Lambert II "Balderik"van Leuven,  graaf van Leuven is geboren in 990, zoon van Lambert I van Leuven en Gerberga van Neder-Lotharingen. Lambert is overleden na zaterdag 21-09-1062, minstens 72 jaar oud. Hij is begraven in Nijvel. Lambert trouwde met Oda van Neder-Lotharingen, Prinses van Lotharingen. Oda is geboren omstreeks 995, dochter van Gothelo I de Grote van Neder-Lotharingen en Urraca Prinses van Italië. Oda is overleden omstreeks 1044, ongeveer 49 jaar oud.

Lambert van Leuven
Zegel van Lambert van Leuven.

LAMBERT [Baldric] de Louvain, son of LAMBERT [I] "le Barbu" Comte de Louvain & his wife Gerberge of Lower Lotharingia [Carolingian] (-after 21 Sep 1062, bur Nivelles).  The Vita Sanctæ Gudilæ records that "Lambertus…comes" succeeded his brother Henri.  The Genealogica comitum Buloniensium records that "Henricum seniorem de Bursella" was father of "Lambertum comitem et Henricum fratrem eius et Mathildem sororem eorum", but this appears to be a confused representation of the situation.  He succeeded his brother in 1038 as LAMBERT [II] Comte de Louvain, after depriving his nephew of his rights: the Chronicon Sigeberti records the death in 1038 of "Henricus Lovaniensis Comes" and the succession of "filius eius Otho" who was deprived by "patruus eius Baldricus qui et Lambertus".  The Chronicon Brabanti also refers to the two names of Lambert when recording the death of "Lambertus II qui et Baldricus dictus Cum-Barba", although it is unclear how reliable this is as "cum-barba" is the nickname applied in other sources to Comte Lambert [I].  If Lambert [II] was in fact also called Baldric, it suggests a relationship (which has not been identified) with the early Graafen van Betuwe (see the document HOLLAND) and Comtes de Looz (see LOWER LOTHARINGIAN NOBILITY), in which three bishops of Liège named Baldric belonged.  "Baldricus…cum uxore mea Oda" founded the collegial church in Brussels by charter dated 1047.  The Vita Balderici refers to "comes Lowaniensis Lambertus vir profanæ mentis et moribus barbarus", presumed to refer to Comte Lambert [II].

10. 1020-1079 Hendrik II van Leuven, graaf van Leuven Hendrik II graaf van Leuven is geboren in 1020, zoon van Lambert II "Balderik" van Leuven en Oda van Neder-Lotharingen, Prinses van Lotharingen. Hendrik is overleden in 1079, 58 of 59 jaar oud. Hij is begraven in Nijvel. Hendrik trouwde met Adela van Orlamunda, gravin van de Betuwe. Adela is geboren in 1023, dochter van Eberhard graaf van de Betuwe. Adela is overleden na 1086, minstens 63 jaar oud.

HENRI de Louvain (-[1078/79], bur Nivelles).  The Annalista Saxo names "Heinricus comes et Reginherus" as brothers of "Adhela…nata de Brabancia ex castello quod dicitur Lovania seu vulgariter Lovene".  The Chronicon Brabanti names "Henricum II Comitem et Marchionum" as son and successor of "Lambertus II qui et Baldricus dictus Cum-Barba" and his wife "Oda filia Gochelonis Ducis Loth".  He succeeded his father as HENRI [II] Comte de Louvain.

11. 1063-1139 Godfried V "met de Baard" van Leuven, graaf van Leuven en Brussel, landgraaf van Brabant, markgraaf van Antwerpen en hertog van Neder-Lotharingen is geboren omstreeks 1063 in Leuven, zoon van Hendrik II van Leuven en Adela van Orlamunda. Godfried is overleden op woensdag 25-01-1139, ongeveer 76 jaar oud. Hij is begraven in Affligem, in de abdij. Godfried trouwde met Ida van Chiny. Ida is geboren in 1078, dochter van Otto II van Chiny, graaf van Chiny en Adelheid van Namen. Ida is overleden op zaterdag 28-03-1125, 46 of 47 jaar oud.

GODEFROI de Louvain, son of HENRI [II] Comte de Louvain & his wife Adela [Adelheid] in der Betuwe (-25 Jan 1139, bur Afflighem Abbey).  The Chronicon Affligemense names "Heinrico et Godefrido" as the two sons of "Adela comitissa Lovaniensis".  "Henricus…Bracbatensis patriæ comes et advocatus" founded Afflighem abbey by charter dated 1086 which also records the donation of property "juxta in villa…Asca" made by "fraterque meus Godefridus".  He succeeded his brother in 1095 as GODEFROI Comte de Louvain.  He was in conflict with Richer Bishop of Liège over the county of Brugeron in 1095/96.  Markgraaf van Antwerpen 1105.  Heinrich V King of Germany invested him as GODEFROI V "le Barbu" Duke of Lower Lotharingia in 1106.  The Continuatio Chronici Afflegemiensis records that “Godefridus cum barba Dux Lotharingiæ, Comes Lovaniensis et Bruxellensis Marchio sacri Regni” founded Afflighem Abbey where he was buried.  Vogt of Afflighem 1107.  The Gesta Abbatem Trudonensium records the abdication in 1128 of "Godefridum Lovaniensem comitem de ducatu Lotharingie" and his substitution by "Waleramnum comitem Lemburgie".  Vogt of Gembloux and Nivelles 1129.  "Ducem Godefridum seniorem eiusque filium…Godefridum iuniorem" donated property "in parochia Braniensi…Dudinsart" to Gembloux by charter dated 1131, witnessed by "Godefridus comes Namucensis eiusque filius Henricus, Henricus minor filius ipsius ducis, Wilhelmus advocatus de Namuco eiusque frater Anselmus…".  The Annales Blandinienses record the death in 1139 of "Godefridus maior dux Lotharingiæ".  The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines records the death of "Godefridus Barbatus Lovaniensis dux Lothariensis" and his burial at Afflighem.  The necrology of Brogne records the death "VIII Kal Feb" of "Godefridus dux Lovaniensis, frater nostre societatis".

12. 1100-1142 Godfried VI van Leuven, hertog van Neder-Lotharingen, landgraaf van Brabant is geboren omstreeks 1100, zoon van Godfried V van Leuven en Ida van Chiny. Godfried is overleden op zaterdag 13-06-1142, ongeveer 42 jaar oud. Hij is begraven in Leuven, in de Sint-Pieterskerk. Godfried trouwde met Lutgardis van Sulzbach. Lutgardis is geboren omstreeks 1115, dochter van Berengarius II van Sulzbach, graaf van Sulzbach en Adelheid van Lechsgemünd. Lutgardis is overleden in 1163, ongeveer 48 jaar oud.

GODEFROI de Louvain (-[11 Nov/31 Dec] 1142, bur Louvain, église collégiale de Saint Pierre).  "Ducem Godefridum seniorem eiusque filium…Godefridum iuniorem" donated property "in parochia Braniensi…Dudinsart" to Gembloux by charter dated 1131, witnessed by "Godefridus comes Namucensis eiusque filius Henricus, Henricus minor filius ipsius ducis, Wilhelmus advocatus de Namuco eiusque frater Anselmus…".  He was installed in 1140 as GODEFROI VI Duke of Lower Lotharingia by his wife's brother-in-law Konrad III King of Germany.  Duke of Louvain 1141.  The Annales Blandinienses record the death in 1142 of "Godefridus minor dux Lotharingiæ".  The Oude Kronik van Brabant records the death in 1143 of "Godefridus Medianus dux Lotharingie" and his burial "Lovanii in templo Sancti Petri".

13. 1142-1190 Godfried VII "de Moedige" van Leuven, hertog van Neder-Lotharingen, landgraaf van Brabant, graaf van Leuven,
zoon van Godfried VI van Leuven en Lutgardis van Sulzbach. Godfried is overleden op dinsdag 21-08-1190. Hij is begraven in Leuven, in de Sint-Pieterskerk. Godfried trouwde in 1155 met Margaretha van Limburg, 19 of 20 jaar oud. Margaretha is geboren in 1135, dochter van Hendrik II van Limburg en Mathidis van Saffenburg. Margaretha is overleden in 1172, 36 of 37 jaar oud.

GODEFROI de Louvain, son of GODEFROI VI Duke of Lower Lotharingia, Duke of Louvain & his wife Lutgardis von Sulzbach (1142-10 Aug 1190, bur Louvain, église collégiale de Saint Pierre).  The Annales Parchenses name "Godefridus unius anni puer" as successor of "Godefridus dux iunior frater Heinric comitis".  He was installed in 1142 as GODEFROI VII Duke of Lower Lotharingia in succession to his father.  The Oude Kronik van Brabant records that "Henricus comes Lymburgensis" attempted to deprive "Godefridi junioris" of his duchy, which "Henricus avus suus et Walramus pater suus" held previously, in the second year of his reign.  Duke of Louvain 1147.  Comte de Brabant 1153.  The Annales Blandinienses record "Godefridus dux Lovaniensis" taking part with Philippe Count of Flanders and his brother Mathieu Comte de Boulogne in a military expedition against Holland in 1166.  Vogt von Tengerloo 1175.  "Godefridus dux Lotharingie" returned property to Aachen St Maria, in the presence of "filiis meis Heinrico milite, Alberto clerico", by charter dated Sep 1185.  The Annales Blandinienses record the death in 1190 of "Godefridus dux Lotharingie".  The Oude Kronik van Brabant records the death "XII Kal Sep" in 1190 of "Godefridus dux Lotharingie" aged 48, and his burial with his first wife "in ecclesia Sancti Petri Lovaniensis".



Ruiterzegel van Hendrik I van Brabant. Auteur: P.F.X de Ram. Bron: Notice sur les sceaux des comtes de Louvain et des ducs de Brabant (976 - 1430). Licentie: Public Domain.Ruiterzegel van Hendrik I van Brabant. Auteur: P.F.X de Ram. Bron: Notice sur les sceaux des comtes de Louvain et des ducs de Brabant (976 - 1430). Licentie: Public Domain.


14. 1165-1235 Hendrik I "de Krijgszuchtige" van Leuven, hertog van Brabant, van Leuven, en van Neder-Lotharingen, markgraaf van Antwerpen is geboren in 1165 in Leuven, zoon van Godfried VII van Leuven en Margaretha van Limburg. Hendrik is overleden op woensdag 05-09-1235 in Keulen, 69 of 70 jaar oud. Hij is begraven in Leuven, in de Sint-Pieterskerk. Hendrik trouwde, 13 of 14 jaar oud, in 1179 met Mathilde van Boulogne, 8 of 9 jaar oud. Mathilde is geboren in 1170, dochter van Mattheus I van de Elzas, graaf van Boulogne en Maria van Boulogne, abdis van Romsey, gravin van Mortain en Boulogne. Mathilde is overleden op zaterdag 16-10-1210 in Louvain, 39 of 40 jaar oud. Zij is begraven in Louvain, église collégiale de Saint Pierre.

Hendrik I van Brabant in de Sint Pieterskerk te Leuven. Foto: October 2009. Auteur. Jean Housen. Licentie: Public Domain.
Hendrik I van Brabant in de Sint Pieterskerk te Leuven. Foto: October 2009. Auteur. Jean Housen. Licentie: Public Domain.

HENRI de Louvain, son of GODEFROI VII Duke of Lower Lotharingia, Duke of Louvain, Comte de Brabant & his first wife Margareta van Limburg (1165-Köln 5 Sep 1235, bur Louvain, église collégiale de Saint Pierre).  The Oude Kronik van Brabant names "Henricum…et Albertum" as the two children of "Godefridus" and his wife "Margaretam filiam Henrici comitis Lymburgensis".  The Gesta Abbatem Trudonensium names "Godefridus tercius dux Brabantie…et filius eius Henricus" when recording the former's departure for Jerusalem and the latter's destruction of "castrum Iacie" both in 1183.  He was installed in 1180 as HENRI Duke of Lotharingia, until 1222.  Duke of Louvain 1183, until 1198.  "Godefridus dux Lotharingie" returned property to Aachen St Maria, in the presence of "filiis meis Heinrico milite, Alberto clerico", by charter dated Sep 1185.  He was installed as HENRI I "le Guerroyeur" Duke of Brabant in 1191.  "Henricus dux Lotharingiæ et marchio et…Luduicus comes de Lon" agreed to divide "terram de Mussal" if "comes de Dasborc" died without heirs by charter dated 1197.  He was one of the leaders of a crusade planned by Emperor Heinrich VI King of Germany, arriving in Palestine in mid-1197.  He was marching to relieve Jaffa, captured by the Muslims in Sep 1198, when he heard news of the death of Henri de Champagne King of Jerusalem.  He returned to Acre and took interim charge of the government until the arrival of Amaury de Lusignan King of Cyprus in Jan 1198.  He recaptured Beirut from the Muslims in Oct 1197.  After the murder of Philipp von Hohenstaufen King of Germany in 1208, Philippe II "Auguste" King of France promoted the candidacy of Duke Henri for the German throne.  Duke Henri joined his son-in-law Emperor Otto IV against France, and was defeated at the battle of Bouvines in 1214.  Markgraaf van Antwerpen 1211.  The Annales Parchenses record the death in 1235 of "Heinricus dux Lotharingie".  The Oude Kronik van Brabant records the death at Köln in 1235 of "Henricus dux Lotharingie" and his burial "Lovanii…in ecclesia Sancti Petri" with his wife Mathilde and his daughter Marie.  The necrology of Brogne records the death "VII Id Sep" of "Henricus dux Lovaniensis".

15. 1190-1231 Margaretha van Brabant is geboren omstreeks 1190, dochter van Hendrik I van Leuven en Mathilde van Boulogne. Margaretha is overleden op zondag 21-09-1231, ongeveer 41 jaar oud. Zij is begraven in Roermond, in de Munsterabdij. Margaretha trouwde, ongeveer 16 jaar oud, in 1206 met Gerard III van Gelre, graaf van Gelderland, ongeveer 21 jaar oud. Gerard is geboren omstreeks 1185, zoon van Otto I "de Grote" van Gelre, proost van Xanten, graaf van Gelre en Zutphen en Richardis van Beieren, abdes van de Munster adij te Roermond. Gerard is overleden in 1229, ongeveer 44 jaar oud. Hij is begraven in Roermond, in de O.L.Vrouwe Munsterkerk.

MARGUERITE de Brabant (-5 Apr or 21 Sep 1231, Roermond Cistercian Abbey).  The Oude Kronik van Brabant names "Mariam, conthoralem Ottonis Quartus Romanorum imperatoris, Aleydam comitssam Auernie, Margaretam comitissam Gerardi comitis Ghelrie et Mechteldim, primo quidem comitissam Palatinam Rheni, postea…comitissam Hollandie" as the daughters of "Henricus…primus, dux Lotharingie" and his wife "Mechteldim, filiam Mathei Boloniensis comitis".  The Genealogia Ducum Brabantiæ Heredum Franciæ refers to the second of the four daughters of "Henricus dux" as the wife of "comes Gelrie" and mother of "Ottonem comitem de Gelre et Henricum episcopum Leodiensem et comitissam Iuliacensem".  The marriage contract between “Henricus dux Lotharingie...Margaretam filiam ducis” and “Otto comes Gelrie...Gerhardum filium comitis” is dated 1206.  m (contract Louvain 1206) GERHARD III Graaf van Gelre, son of OTTO Graaf van Gelre & his wife Richardis of Bavaria (-22 Oct 1229, bur Roermond Cistercian Abbey).

16. 1214-1271 Otto II "de Lamme" van Gelre, graaf van Gelderland en Zutphen is geboren in 1214 in Zutphen, zoon van Gerard III van Gelre en Margaretha van Brabant. Otto is overleden op zaterdag 10-01-1271 in Goch, in het klooster ’s-Gravendaal, 56 of 57 jaar oud. Otto trouwde, 38 of 39 jaar oud, in 1253 in Boves met Philippa de Dammartin, ongeveer 39 jaar oud. Philippa is geboren omstreeks 1214 in Aumale, dochter van Simon II de Dammartin, comte d’Aumale, Ponthieu en Montreuil en Marie de Ponthieu, comtesse de Ponthieu et de Montreuil. Philippa is overleden omstreeks 1279 in Zutphen, ongeveer 65 jaar oud.

OTTO (-10 Jan 1271, bur Grafenthal).  The Kronik van Arent toe Bocop names "Otto…Henderick" as the two sons of "Gherrit…grave van Gelre" and his wife, adding that Otto succeeded his father.  He succeeded as OTTO II Graaf van Gelre.  The Kronik van Arent toe Bocop names "Rennolt" as the son of "Otto…grave van Gelre" and his second wife "Philippa, de grave van Syntpols dochter".  The Kronik van Arent toe Bocop records the death of "Otto…grave van Gelre" 9 Jan 1271 and his burial "in dat closter Gronnendael".

17. 1254-1302 Walram II "de Rossige" van Valkenburg, heer van Valkenburg, Montjoie en Marville, stadhouder van Gelre en Zutphen is geboren in 1254 in Sittard, zoon van Diederik II van Valkenburg en Bertha van Monschau. Walram is overleden op woensdag 05-09-1302 in Sittard, 47 of 48 jaar oud. Walram trouwde, ten hoogste 21 jaar oud, vóór donderdag 30-05-1275 met Philippa van Gelre, ten hoogste 18 jaar oud. Philippa is geboren omstreeks 1257 in Susteren, dochter van Otto II "de Lamme" van Gelre, graaf van Gelderland en Zutphen en Philippa de Dammartin. Philippa is overleden op vrijdag 24-06-1300, ongeveer 43 jaar oud.

WALRAM [II] von Valkenburg, son of DIRK [II] Heer van Valkenburg & his first wife Bertha von Limburg ([1253]-5 Sep 1302).  "Th. dominus de Valkenburg" confirmed a donation by charter dated 24 Jun 1268, which names "Walramo primogenito nostro iam adulto".  He succeeded as Seigneur de Montjoie in 1266 after the death of his maternal uncle.  Heer van Valkenburg.  "Waleramus dominus de Valkenburg et de Montjoie" names "Theodorico patre suo…avunculo magno Henrico comiti Luxemb." in a charter dated May 1269.  Engelbert Archbishop of Köln issued a charter dated 16 Apr 1271 which names "bone memorie Th. domini de Valkenburg fratris nostri…Walramus filius fratris nostri predicti…nostro…consanguineo Th. domino de Heinesberg".  A charter dated 9 Jul 1275 confirmed the donation by "Waleramus dominus de Valkenburg et de Moniogen et Philippa uxor sua" to Kloster Reichstein.  Butkens records that “Henri de Bautersem chevalier, fils de Henri” sold “la seigneurie de Bautersem” to Walram [II] Heer van Valkenburg “dont il avoit pris le parti contre le Duc de Brabant”.  Butkens does not date the sale, but Hendrik [V] was presumably the seller in light of the marriage arranged between his daughter and Walram [II]’s son, a marriage which presumably formed part of the arrangement.


Het kasteel van Valkenburg drie jaar voor de verwoesting (Josua de Grave, 1669). Bron: Wikipedia. Licentie: Creative Commons.

Het kasteel van Valkenburg drie jaar voor de verwoesting (Josua de Grave, 1669). Bron: Wikipedia (aldaar niet meer te zien). Licentie: Creative Commons.


18. 1283-1333 Reinoud I van Valkenburg, heer van Valkenburg, Montjoie, Sittard en Susteren is geboren omstreeks 1283 in Houthem, zoon van Walram II van Valkenburg en Philippa van Gelre. Reinoud is overleden op donderdag 15-07-1333, ongeveer 50 jaar oud. Reinoud trouwde met Maria van Bautershem. Maria is geboren omstreeks 1270 in Boutersem, dochter van Hendrik van Boutershem en Marie de Hemricourt. Maria is overleden in 1325, ongeveer 55 jaar oud.

REINOLD (-1332).  "Walleramus dominus de Monyoye et de Valkenburg" donated property to the abbey of Porta-Cœli, for the soul of "bone memorie uxoris nostre Philippe", with the consent of "Theodorici et Renardi…filiorum nostrorum", by charter dated 24 Jun 1300.  Heer van Valkenburg.  Butkens records that Reinold van Valkenburg sold Boutersem (bought by his father, see above) to “Guillaume de Duvenvoorde Seigneur d’Oosterhout” (see the document DUTCH NOBILITY-POLANEN).

19. 1318-1354 Beatrix van Heinsberg van Valkenburg is geboren in 1318, dochter van Reinoud I van Valkenburg en Maria van Bautershem. Beatrix is overleden op vrijdag 28-11-1354, 35 of 36 jaar oud. Zij is begraven in Rijnsburg. Beatrix trouwde, ongeveer 16 jaar oud, omstreeks 1334 met Dirk III van Brederode, ridder, baanderheer, baron, 5e heer van Brederode, heer van Zandvoort, Montjoie, Valkenburg, Voorne en burggraaf van Zeeland, en heer van Voshol, hertogelijk raad, baljuw van Kennemerland, krijgsman, gezant voor graaf Willem V bij de Engelse koning, ongeveer 26 jaar oud. Dirk is geboren in 1308 in Santpoort, in slot Brederode, zoon van Willem van Brederode en Elisabeth Luf van Kleef, gravin van Kleef, abdis van Klarenberg. Dirk is overleden op woensdag 11-11-1377 in Haarlem, 68 of 69 jaar oud. Hij is begraven in Haarlem, in het Carmelietenklooster.

BEATRIX (-1354, bur [Rijnsburg]).  Jacques de Hemricourt records that “ly tirce [filhe de Falcoment assavoir ly sereur dame Philippe]” [Philippa, daughter of Reinold Heer van Valkenburg, see above] married “al saingnor de Gheneppe et de Brederode”.  Her parentage and marriage are confirmed by the charter dated 1340 under which "Wilhelmo comite Hannoniæ, Hollandiæ" guaranteed "Theodorico domino de Brederode" that he would transmit the lordship of Brederode to "filium huius domini primogenitum ex uxore sua Beatrice de Valkenburch".  A charter dated 1365 records the sale of "dominii Falcoburgensis" by "Wenceslaus von Boeme…Hertoge, ende Johanna…Hertoginne van Luxemborg, van Lothryck, van Brabant, van Limborch…" to "Heere Diederick Heere van Brederode ende syn kinderen…Reynaut, Willem en Walaenen" which names "die Vrauwen Beatrissen van Valckenbourch…moeder synder voors. kinderen, ende Vrouwe Marie van Valkenb. Abdissen van Maubeugen gesusteren" and the late "Heer Jans, Heere van Valckenboerg…haers broeders".  Goethals records her death in 1354 and her burial with her husband “à Rynsburg”, without citing the sources which confirm this information.  Some doubt about Beatrix’s place of burial is suggested by Goethals’s contradictory statements regarding her husband’s burial.

20. 1336-1390 Reinoud I van Brederode, 6e heer van Brederode, baljuw van Kennemerland, heer van Gennep, leider der Hoeken
is geboren in 1336 in Santpoort, zoon van Dirk III van Brederode en Beatrix van Heinsberg van Valkenburg. Reinoud is overleden in 1390, 53 of 54 jaar oud. Reinoud trouwde, 29 of 30 jaar oud, in 1366 met Jolanda van Gennep, vrouwe van Gennep, vrouwe van Eem, 17 of 18 jaar oud. Jolanda is geboren in 1348, dochter van Jan II van Gennep, heer van Gennep en Johanna Both van der Eem, vrouwe van Boxtel en vrouwe van der Eem, erfdochter van de Heerlijkheden van de Eem en van de Alm en kasteel Almstein te Alm en van Gennep. Jolanda is overleden op woensdag 29-03-1413, 64 of 65 jaar oud.

REINALD van Brederode, son of DIRK [III] Heer van Brederode & his wife Beatrix van Valkenburg (-1390).  A charter dated 1365 records the sale of "dominii Falcoburgensis" by "Wenceslaus von Boeme…Hertoge, ende Johanna…Hertoginne van Luxemborg, van Lothryck, van Brabant, van Limborch…" to "Heere Diederick Heere van Brederode ende syn kinderen…Reynaut, Willem en Walaenen" which names "die Vrauwen Beatrissen van Valckenbourch…moeder synder voors. kinderen...".  Heer van Brederode.  Goethals records Reinald’s death in 1390 without citing the source which confirms this date.

21. 1376-1417 Walraven I van Brederode, 8e heer van Brederode, graaf van Gennep, heer van Vianen en Ameide, burggraaf van Stavoren, stadhouder van Holland, leider der Hoeken, zegelbewaarder van Jacoba van Beieren is geboren in 1376, zoon van Reinoud I van Brederode en Jolanda van Gennep. Walraven is overleden op woensdag 01-12-1417 in Gorkum, 40 of 41 jaar oud. Hij is begraven in Vianen. Walraven trouwde, 37 of 38 jaar oud, op zaterdag 11-08-1414 met Johanna van Vianen, vrouwe van Vianen en Ameide, 33 of 34 jaar oud. Johanna is geboren in 1380, dochter van Hendrik II van Vianen, heer van Vianen; heer van de Goye en Ameide en burggraaf van Utrecht en Heilwig van Herlaer, erfdochter van Ameide. Johanna is overleden op maandag 18-04-1418 in Vianen, ze overleed in het kraambed, 37 of 38 jaar oud. Zij is begraven in Vianen, in het koor van de kerk.


Reinoud II is de 9e heer van Brederode. Bron: Statuts, Ordonnances et Armorial de l'Ordre de la Toison d'Or. Bron: Koninklijke Bibliotheek. Licentie: Public domain.
Reinoud II is de 9e heer van Brederode. Bron: Statuts, Ordonnances et Armorial de l'Ordre de la Toison d'Or. Bron: Koninklijke Bibliotheek. Licentie: Public domain.


22. 1415-1473 Reinoud II van Brederode, 9e heer van Brederode, heer van Vianen, Ameide, Lexmond, Heicop en Boicop, Meerkerk, Tienhoven, Twaalfhoven, burggraaf van Utrecht, ridder van Jeruzalem en van het Gulden Vlies is geboren in 1415 in Vianen, in slot Batenstein, zoon van Walraven I van Brederode, en Johanna van Vianen. Reinoud is overleden op zaterdag 16-10-1473 in Vianen, 57 of 58 jaar oud. Reinoud trouwde, 29 of 30 jaar oud, op donderdag 18-11-1445 met Yolande de Lalaing, vrouwe van Bignicourt, 22 of 23 jaar oud. Yolande is geboren in 1422 in Lalaing, dochter van Guillaume de Lalaing, Seigneur de Bugnicourt, Fressin & Hordaing en Jeanne de Créquy Van Bugnicourt. Yolande is overleden op dinsdag 15-08-1497, 74 of 75 jaar oud.

23. 1462-1531 Walraven II van Brederode, 10e heer van Brederode, heer van Vianen en Ameiden, drossaard van Hagestein, burggraaf van Utrecht, raadslid-kamerheer van Philips de Schone en Karel V is geboren op vrijdag 08-01-1462 in Vianen, zoon van Reinoud II van Brederode en Yolande de Lalaing. Walraven is overleden in 02-1531, 69 jaar oud. Hij is begraven in Vianen. Walraven begon een relatie met Jacobje Bertoutsdr..

24. 1500-1549 Reinoud Bastaard van Brederode, drost en schout van Vianen, beleend met Rijnestein bij Leerbroek
is geboren in 1500 in Vianen, zoon van Walraven II van Brederode en Jacobje Bertoutsdr.. Reinoud is overleden in 1549, 48 of 49 jaar oud. Reinoud trouwde, 25 of 26 jaar oud, in 1526 in Jutphaas met Anna van Lennep. Anna is overleden na zondag 16-12-1554

25. 1529-1609 Arnout van Brederode van Rijnesteijn, heer van Rijnesteijn, schout van Vianen, behoorde tot het verbond der edelen in 1566, onderhoutvester van ’s-konings wildernissen in Holland, hopman, kapitein in het Staatse leger is geboren in 1530 in Vianen, zoon van Reinoud Bastaard van Brederode en Anna van Lennep. Arnout is overleden na zaterdag 10-03-1607, minstens 77 jaar oud. Arnout trouwde, 38 of 39 jaar oud, op zaterdag 26-02-1569 met Maria Dirksdr van Alkemade, ongeveer 29 jaar oud. Maria is geboren omstreeks 1540, dochter van Dirk Kerstantsz van Alkemade, veertigraad, burgemeester, weesmeester en thesaurier van Delft en Cornelia van den Einde. Maria is overleden vóór 1595, ten hoogste 55 jaar oud.

26. 1579-1648 Reinoud van Brederode van Rijnesteijn, conrector van de Latijnse school in Kollum, ludimagister te Dokkum en schoolmeester in Grijpskerk is geboren omstreeks 1579, zoon van Arnout van Brederode van Reinesteijn en Maria Dirksdr van Alkemade. Reijnoud is overleden na donderdag 15-02-1635, minstens 56 jaar oud. Reijnoud trouwde, ongeveer 28 jaar oud, in 1607 in Kollum met Jantje Jans, ongeveer 32 jaar oud, nadat zij op woensdag 03-10-1607 in Groningen in ondertrouw zijn gegaan. Jantje is geboren omstreeks 1575, dochter van Jan. Jantje is overleden na donderdag 15-02-1635, minstens 60 jaar oud.

27. 1607-1662 Johannes á Brederode, schoolmeester in Beerta is geboren in 1608 in Dokkum, zoon van eijnoud van Brederode van Rijnesteijn en Jantje Jans. Johannes is overleden na donderdag 10-08-1662, minstens 54 jaar oud. Johannes trouwde, 28 of 29 jaar oud, in 1637 met Trijntje Jansen. Trijntje is overleden.


Tekst: Murk Hoekstra, Borne.






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